sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

The first ever Independent Media and Video World Festival

The first ever Independent Media and Video World Festival ~ Solidarity Has No Borders ~ In Memory of Brad Will. October 27th – November 30. 2009.


To all video and media activist, film makers, alternative and independent media journalist, radio activist and technicians, web activist, progressive audiovisual workers, and all peoples of the world in general, an invitation to participate in the first ever Independent Media and Video World Festival: Solidarity has No Borders-In Memory of Brad Will. The Festival begins October 27th, the day video activist Bradley Roland Will was assassinated by gunmen men protected by the Mexican government while carrying out his work as an independent media video reporter during the Oaxacan uprisings, and ends on November 29, the tenth anniversary of the indymedia.org project, born during the WTO protest in Seattle.

The aim of the festival is to bring together independent media and video activists from around the world, to celebrate and demonstrate the growth and reach that the Independent Media movement has had in the last ten years. An invitation to reactivate and strengthen networks of collaboration, and collective organization around a World Festival, featuring independent video documentaries and films made by video and media activist, and a celebration of all other forms of independent media communication, including radio, graphic, print and web journalism, and technologies.

The dynamic of the festival will be decentralized, and can vary depending on the form and style that the local organizing committee decides to use. In essence, the invitation to organize and carryout this World Festival is to program a series of video screenings of independent media and video documentaries and films, that will establish and motive for international cooperation, celebration, reflection, proposals, and action in the realm of independent media activism and technology.

We propose the festival be untied internationally by various threads, the most obvious being by theme, anniversary dates, specified dates where various points can connect over the net with video conferences and actions that we can carryout simultaneously, and an articulation of political messages and demands to spread across the world.

The festival is for all persons that use video as a tool for political activism, social communication, and denunciations. Its primary objective is to create networks between social video producers and collectives.

About the videos: Videos can be vloggins (video blog on internet with a maximum time length of 10 minutes), short-length, full-length videos with a documentary or fiction theme. Videos can be entered as a group, by pseudonym, or as individual personal creation. Peoples of all nationalities, cultures, and communites can participate in this festival.

The Festival will be carried out in three areas of work.

The festival will screen videos we receive in low-resolution over the internet during previously programmed hours, creating simlutanoeus international screenings of various videos. And with the video makers permission, the viewer or screening event organizer will be able to download videos in high resolution, for screening and distribution by others video enthusiast in the world.

In various spaces where videos are screened, the festival will organize video-conferences with the video’s creator(s) after the screening of their work, including thematic debates on independent media and free software.

Agenda Nacional e Internacional de Proyecciones, lugares que colaboran en la promocion del festival (invitados todas los cine clubs, video clubs, video salas y centros sociales y culturales.)

INFO AND CONTACT: videotekka@gmail.com

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